
Changing Many File Permissions Without Inheritance

I ran into a scenario when moving files from an older Windows Server 2003 box to Windows Server 2012, where I couldn’t access folders even as an administrator.

It turned out that not having Users (ServerName\Users) causes problems beyond Windows Server 2003. When moving a mass of files with many folders lacking inheritance, this can be a problem.

After some research and testing, it’s reasonably easy to modify NTFS security permissions to lots of files, while leaving existing settings in tact and not requiring inheritance to apply changes.

Scripting Guy covered it pretty well here, but here’s the condensed version:

First, install File System Security PowerShell Module because it’s easier to do than using native PowerShell Set-ACL commands. This can be installed on a remote box from where the files are, but remote can be slow based on latency and the amount of files you’re dealing with. Read the installation notes on that page so you’re ready to go with the module.

You can test it’s working by running a command like:

get-ntfsaccess -path c:\PutAFilenameHere.Now

You’ll get the permissions of the file back.

To change your permissions on mass, you need to get a listing of the files and pipe that to your modified settings:

dir \\FileServerName\ShareName -recurse | add-ntfsaccess -account “BUILTIN\users” -accessrights read

Note that the -recurse switch gives you all files and subfolders of the share, and although the permission you’re looking at via Windows Explorer will show Users (ServerName\Users), this is actually the BUILTIN\users permission. If you try to use the servername, you’ll get this error:

Add-NTFSAccess : Cannot bind parameter ‘Account’. Cannot convert value “servername\users” to type
“Security2.IdentityReference2”. Error: “Some or all identity references could not be translated.”

That’s it, you can now add, remove or modify permissions all over the place without affecting other existing permissions or affecting the inheritance.

Edit: The actual issue I describe here can also be fixed by changing a few Group Policies too.