
Azure AD Connect

Today a new version of Azure AD Connect was released – v1.1.105.0 (even though the site says 2/16/2016, but wasn’t there yesterday!)

The download link is here:

If you want a reminder on what Azure AD Connect is, Microsoft have a great article here. It replaced Dirsync and AADSync

It’s worth the upgrade, full release notes are here but the big change in my opinion is:

New preview features:

  • The new default sync cycle interval is 30 minutes. Used to be 3 hours for all earlier releases. Adds support to change the scheduler behavior.

30 minutes is much nicer to wait for a change (this doesn’t include passwords) than 3 hours.

Note that this used to be controlled from a scheduled task in DirSync and AADSync, but now runs as the Microsoft Azure AD Sync service. If you want to check that your sync has now changed to 30 minutes, run the PowerShell command  “Get-ADSyncScheduler” and you should see the values of AllowedSyncCycleInterval and CurrentlyEffectivSyncCycleInterval both as 30 minutes:


If you’ve already got the connector installed, it will just install over the top using your existing settings. It just requires re-entry of your Azure AD credentials for syncing, and took me about two minutes to run.


Update: 1st March 2016

Due to a bug with the time, version has been released. Please use that instead of