I thought I’d document a few lessons learned in this migration. The migration was from Skype for Business Server 2015 and Skype for Business 2016 clients with Enterprise Voice, moving users across to Microsoft Teams.
The steps to migrate a user for me were:
- Add user to AD Group “Azure AD Licensing Telstra Calling for Office 365” as this allocates a Telstra Calling for Office 365 license. These licenses are bought from https://marketplace.telstra.com/ and feed into Microsoft 365. I believe this is unique to Australia.
- From Skype for Business Server Management Shell:
$url="https://adminau1.online.lync.com/HostedMigration/hostedmigrationService.svc" (different links here for different countries)
Move-CsUser -Identity [email protected] –Target sipfed.online.lync.com -MoveToTeams -Credential $cred -HostedMigrationOverrideUrl $urlset-csuser -identity [email protected] -LineURI $null
- Form a machine with the Teams PowerShell Module installed:
$Session = New-CSOnlineSession -OverrideAdminDomain yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com
Import-PSSession $session –AllowClobber
Set-CsOnlineVoiceUser -Identity [email protected] -TelephoneNumber 61812341234
Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams -Identity [email protected] - Configure call forwarding in Gateway (Pilot Users only that were being given a new number out of our normal number range)
EHR Error on Teams Portal

Seeing this error everywhere on the Teams Admin portal, unsure what the cause/fix is yet. It ended up disappearing by itself after a few weeks *shrug* – you’ll see this theme is common around portal errors.
Dial Plans error
Going into any Dial Plan brings up this admin portal error, as well as trying to run a Test Dial plan test:

This problem was another portal issue – logged a case which Microsoft confirmed was at their end, and a few weeks later they’d resolved it.
Create Resource Account error
When creating a Resource Account used for Auto Attendant or Call queues, I was getting a very unhelpful error. I believe this is because I’m running in hybrid mode, so Teams can’t create an account on my primary domain – changing the domain to @contoso.onmicrosoft.com then let me create the Resource Account.
This problem also disappeared later and now I can create accounts on my primary domain – put it down to another portal issue.
Desk Phones requiring PIN
Phones would be registered in Intune, because they’re running Android – and that means any ‘all user’ Android policy would apply.
I’ve since created Dynamic Device Groups and filtered by DeviceModel and DeviceOSType – only testing the Poly CCX500 at this stage, but will add more models as we get them. Also filtering by OStype which is not really necessary, but does make sure it’s only Android devices affected.
(device.deviceModel -eq "CCX500") and (device.deviceOSType -eq "Android")
If you use a test account 20 times, that account will hit its device limit in azure and get locked out.
Skype for Business users unable to call Teams users
Early in migration, we tested interoperability between the two platforms, as it wasn’t going to be an overnight company wide migration. A Skype for Business user trying to call a migrated to Teams user would instead get diverted elsewhere. This was because we had Unassigned Number range rules in place, that were designed to send calls somewhere if it wasn’t allocated to anyone. Removing these rules immediately fixed this issue.
Home Screen on Desk Phones Laggy
The default experience if the phone supports it, is to show a home screen. More details on what the Home Screen is here. This is in CsTeamsIPPhonePolicy with the default value ‘AllowHomeScreen’ set to ‘EnabledUserOverride’. Changing this to Disabled via the PowerShell command:
set-CsTeamsIPPhonePolicy -allowhomescreen Disabled
removed this. I like the idea of the Home Screen, but not at the cost of a fast functioning phone vs a slow one.
I later found out this is due to the 1GB RAM on some devices, and Teams now (at the time of writing) uses > 1GB RAM, and then the Home Screen uses even more RAM. Trying a phone model with 2GB RAM this all worked perfectly.
I believe this is also fixed now, but it took Microsoft about 5 months to resolve.
New Desk Phones not signing in
Testing the Poly CCX500 model, some wouldn’t sign in to Teams out of the box. As soon as I tried to sign in, they’d say:
‘Error Could not sign in. You will need to sign in again. If you see this message again, please contact your company support. OK’
I spent so long on this, unsuccessfully trying to update the firmware via USB etc. In the end, turning off the ‘DHCP Time’ setting under ‘Device Settings’ made it work – I assume it had some problems contacting a NTP server (settings appeared correct in the DHCP scope of the phone). Someone else found the same issue here, but this was due to the phone running a very old v1 firmware. This shouldn’t affect most people, but worth noting.