Update 21st February 2020:
I’ve now had Google Nest support confirm that 5ghz Channel 149 and higher isn’t supported – which to me is baffling that a device can be released in this state.

Original Post:
I received a Google Nest Mini as part of Google’s promotion to subscribers of YouTube Premium. A nice gesture, and I hadn’t actually jumpted into having a smart speaker at home myself. Beyond wondering what use I could actually get from it – it was free, so I ordered.
A few weeks later it arrived, and setup should have been simple. Power it on, get the Google Home app on a mobile device, and follow the bouncing ball to set up. I’d done this before for a Chromecast I have, which I could see in the Home setup and have connected to the home 5Ghz network – no issues there at all.
However, when going through the same setup for the Google Nest Mini, I couldn’t even see my 5Ghz home Wi-Fi network listed on my phone. Weird, I tried several things including adding the details of the network in manually. Nothing I tried would work. I also couldn’t get it connected to my 2.4Ghz home network, unless I picked my guest network. I’d had the same issue on a printer that wouldn’t connect and only supported 2.4Ghz; the cuplrit was the AiMesh ASUS setup I had (side note – I personally would recommend to avoid ASUS AiMesh as there’s multiple problems I experienced, it’s not user friendly and solutions that are half done in it such as menu options that display but aren’t supported, as I eventually had confirmed by ASUS support. That’s not to say you should avoid all ASUS solutions.).
That really wasn’t where I wanted to end up though – the Nest Mini streaming data from my 2.4Ghz non-meshed guest network. After a bunch of Googling on the issue, I saw a comment somewhere that said to try band 36. As a refresher on this – 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi has bands or channels from 1 to 11 – but there’s overlap between the bands and they interfere with each other, so you really only wan to use 1, 6 or 11. 5Ghz however, has many more. My 5Ghz network at home was set to ‘Auto’ – which should pick the least noisiest band. That resulted in band 149.
I changed my band from 149 to 36 – the lowest option available, and went through the Google Nest Mini setup yet again. This time, I could see my network! It went through the entire setup process seamlessly. For my own sanity, I tried jumping up to a band 165, higher than 149, reset the Mini, and tried setting it up again but without success. Jumped to band 44 this time, and again it worked perfectly.

It seemed the lower channels were fine – from 36 to 48, but the higher bands the device just couldn’t see. Again, weirdly the Chromecast would successfully set up on any of these and was a much older device than my brand new Nest Mini.
I also know it’s not just me that has this problem, as @AjTechs also confirmed he had the same experience – no 5Ghz network visible on band 149, but was visible when he used band 44.
I tweeted about it of course because that’s what I do. The first fail was the frustrating plug design, that wouldn’t fit with any other standard plug I had next to it. It’s also not a USB charger, but a round connector of some sort.
@GoogleNest swooped in to attempt to save the day. They couldn’t answer that question, and after 1 1/2 hours of back and forth over DM, they really didn’t know what was going on still. They still couldn’t answer my original question, and didn’t get me any closer to proving the problem was any different to what I’d found myself.
If I get any more details I’ll update this post – but otherwise, if you’re having the same problem as me, then try a different band, and when that works, have fun reconnecting everything in your house back to Wi-Fi again :)
Handy to know. I got my free one delivered a few days ago, so this will save me some frustration setting it up.
Curious to know if you have the same problem!
I love my Unifi Wi-Fi at home. Amplifi is meant to be good too.
I wonder how how would go with Google Wi-Fi? :)
I’m getting the impression it’s nothing about the quality of your gear :)
You mentioned not being happy with the Asus Wi-Fi in general.
I have one of the new free Home Mini units as well, will see how I go with it. :)
Yes please share how you go :)
Same. I did not get it via promotion – I bought it last December at Best Buy here in Canada. I can’t even finish one song when it’s in 5GhZ Wi-Fi :(
This was helpful for my troubleshooting.. it’s April 2021 and I still had the issue!
Its May and still an issue.
Also found that wi-fi passwords of of 64 characters don’t work, 60 characters was fine.
Hai Adam,
Very appreciate for your sharing. It helpful to solved my same problem to connect my new nest audio device to 5Ghz router.
Working fine already. Thank you
I think, Rebooting Google home Wifi and router by plugging off the device from its power cord, after you have done that wait for at least a minute. I hope this is going to work.
Mine’s connected to channel 149 for years. Both gen 1 and 2.
I believe it’s also related to the firmware. I have an older one and it connected to my 5Ghz network just fine. Then after a firmware update today, it can’t connect anymore. I then changed the 5Ghz to channel 48 and it works again. I’ve also confirmed the same issue with another home mini unit from another room. So if there is a way to revert back to older firmware (doubt it) then we can get them back on 5gHz. Otherwise it’s on the 2.4 they go (not ideal) or keeping my 5Ghz on low channels (even worse). Sigh first world problems.
My google home mini on firmware 282045 stopped seeing 5G and my google home mini on v264660 was still working. I found my Telstra Smart modem was on 149, so changed it to 36 and that fixed it.
Make sure ALL devices are set with their region as “Australia” – this will determine which Wi-Fi channels are available and which are not, and thus which channels your device sees and which it does not.
@Owen Winter, I am having the same issue, the firmware 264660 was working fine till yesterday, now the firmware on my google home mini is updated to 282045 and it stopped working on 5GHZ network, really frustrating and I have set it to 2.4 GHz since I have dual band router. I don’t want to lower the channels on my tplink router.
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