Powershell for Resource Information in Exchange 2010


I came up against an issue today, where the person looking after calendar bookings for some newly created rooms (which was a resource) in Exchange 2010, could not see a lot of the information on the appointments. The subject had changed from whatever the person booking had written to their own name and the comments were missing. Coming from Exchange 2007 I hadn’t seen this before, but delved into the ‘Resource Inforamtion’ tab on one of the rooms. Rather quickly I realised this was happening by design, and the default options from Exchange:

Resource Information


So, for my scenario I wanted to remove most of these options, as we wanted the people with full access to the calendar to be able to see these things. I can understand having this disabled by default, as it’s really a business decision to make on who should see what. For me, I wanted to have the appointment unaltered which means removing “Delete attachments”, “Delete comments”, “Delete subject”, “Delete non-calendar items” and “Add the organizer’s name to the subject” (this one is just for less confusion, and you can still see the organiser from the attendees on the appointment itself). “Remove the private flag on an accepted meeting” I’d rather keep, if someone’s actually marking the meeting as private there’s hopefully a good reason.

Anyway, changing these options works perfectly, but doing it on a mass scale isn’t fun via the GUI. Powershell time!

I want to change this for all my Room Resources. First, you can get your list of Room Resources with this command:

Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox

After confirming you see the results that you expect, you can pipe that into a command to turn off the required options. As a single command it would be this:

Set-CalendarProcessing -identity “Roomname” -DeleteAttachments $false -DeleteSubject $false -DeleteComments $false -DeleteNonCalendarItems $false -AddOrganizerToSubject $false

And merging the two together will be (dropping the -identity):

Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox | Set-CalendarProcessing -DeleteAttachments $false -DeleteSubject $false -DeleteComments $false -DeleteNonCalendarItems $false -AddOrganizerToSubject $false

That’s it. All your rooms will now have the options you want. There’s a great article on MSExchange that covers this and a lot more: http://www.msexchange.org/articles-tutorials/exchange-server-2010/management-administration/resource-mailboxes-exchange-2010-part4.html and also has a table of the options on this screen and the relevant powershell parameter.

Good luck!

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